Friday, November 6, 2009

Isn't it true that all Conservative Republicans have horns?

All of them are evil Conservative beasts and all of them do have horns.

Isn't it true that all Conservative Republicans have horns?
Only a neonut would ask a stupid question like that
Reply:I think they are all blood sucking vampires.
Reply:Not all of them. Just the ones on talk radio.
Reply:I looked in the mirror just to be sure, and I can safely say that I do not have horns... :)
Reply:No we don't have horns. You must be a libtard!
Reply:Please ask them to use a clean ice pick for your next lobotomy.
Reply:Wow, simply wow.
Reply:Yes and pigs fly
Reply:No. Next question.
Reply:Dude... You are kidding me with this question aren't you?
Reply:We might have had them at one point, but we evolved. Now the liberal Democrats have them, only theirs are much sharper, and they keep them hidden.
Reply:Isn't it true that all liberals have the devil's tongue?
Reply:It's a fact jack!
Reply:Yep. Your wife found the one in my pants real quick. Hahahahahahahaha!
Reply:No. I don't even play a musical instrument and have never been in a band.

But Democrats have cloven hooves that Click when they Tap Dance.

Click, Click, Click.

And Democrats all have Tails.......which they pull up over their backs when they Bend Over.

Cool!!!!! What a sight to see.
Reply:No. Only the neoconservatives.
Reply:Yes, my car has one, I rarely use it thought. Thanks for taking inventory.
Reply:I know the type you are referring to but I prefer to say they do have horns, the kind that are blown. They certainly like to blow their own horns.
Reply:We have horns. You have strap ons. Zippadeedooda. Zippadeeday!
Reply:Yes, but most of them have keeped them filed down.
Reply:Just look at Top Delay. Pay attention to his eyebrows.


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