Sunday, March 14, 2010

Does using reverse horn, remote door locks and music system affect the charge of a battery?

negligibly or substantially?

Does using reverse horn, remote door locks and music system affect the charge of a battery?
yes but it won't drain your battery because the alternator will recharge it for you when you as soon as you started your engine
Reply:Most of these are low power draw. Car stereos can draw allot of power if they have base boxes and high power amps added. They won't affect the battery unless they are on for a lengthy period of time. The battery needs no less than about 11.8 volts of stored energy in the battery to roll over the engine. Now if your car starts easy this is probably enough. But the longer it takes to start a car the more likely you will draw from this stored energy and the battery will quickly fail to produce enough power to turn the engine over. And then you will need a boost. Most newer cars have a built in protection that will shut down accessories in the event you reach a -draw that will not allow your car to start. A battery only serves as stored energy for many of the very things you mentioned. The only one that can probably cause enough drain is the stereo if it were on for hours at a time. Even when a vehicle alarm is set off, it's timed so that the horn will not stay on too long. This is because horns do draw allot of power. The batteries most desired and needed role is to.... start the engine. After the engine is started all things run off the alternator and 1-2 volts is sent to the battery to bring it back up to charge. All this is regulated by the computer and the voltage regulator.

This is the basics of a 12 volt system: The alternator puts out 13-14.5 volts on average. The extra voltage is like a built in charger for the battery which is turned on and off when needed by the voltage regulator or in some newer cars the computer may do this. Nothing runs off the Battery after the car is started "UNLESS" the alternator is under-performing for some reason.


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