Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How do you car drivers feel towards motorcyclists?

when your sat in your car and the traffic is slow moving and a motorbike filters past you do you get annoyed?

I ride a bike and sometimes when i filter through the traffic i get cars that pull out to block my path or get people beeping their horns and verbal abuse. Is this because they think i should sit in the queue like the car drivers? when i filter to the front of the queue

i do feel a lil cheeky but i also feel that i am not making their journey any longer whatsoever. All im saying is that i dont think car drivers should pull out of our way but theres no need to make it more difficult for us.

How do you car drivers feel towards motorcyclists?
I always look out for motorcyclists and give them room to filter through, good on them for using congestion busting transport it's a pity more single occupant drivers do not switch to motorcycles.
Reply:I gave up biking last year after 20 years, figured I'd been lucky long enough. The roads have become far more dangerous because of more traffic and more power in cars and bikes. I do get angry with bikers that go and make arseholes of themselves on big machines because they have superior speed. My last bike could crack nearly 190mph, I occasionally used that power but never to scare the crap out of car drivers. I made sure they knew I was there and yes I often filtered through traffic jams, why add to the congestion?
Reply:Hello!! :o) As far as I'm concerned - motorcyclists have no right to create lanes that don't exist. I'm especially irked when I'm first at the light and some 'jerk' in a motorcycle assumes what HE thinks is his 'right' to 'park' himself in front of me. It's the only time I experience feelings of 'road rage'. A guy on a motorcycle is of no greater value than a guy sitting in a car. He does NOT deserve any 'special privileges'. He should wait in line like everyone else. And not butt in. Think of it as if you were lining up to see a movie. IF you KNEW that there were plenty of tickets for everyone - would you walk to the front of the line?! And by the reaction of many of the driver's who obviously don't approve of what you're doing - you might want to be careful. One day - one of those driver's just might go beyond giving you a dirty look or honking his horn. That said... most motorcyclist are courteous and respectful. You should know that I also 'ride'. Craig!! :o)
Reply:I think motorbikes are great especially the 1100cc as my dads got one but i would never go on it. I know too many people who have had accidents while on a bike. I can understand both drivers side and motorcyclists. Im on the fence as speed is wonderful. I do try and pull over when i see a bike in my wing mirror.
Reply:I agree! I do think that car drivers think that it's a way of pushing in but i don't know what their problem is afterall they're the ones that are laughing when a storm hits. It's the same for pedestrians, cars won't stop at a zebra crossing especially when it's raining. I think it's just a sign of the times. Just promise me that you won't rise to their ignorance and drive safely!
Reply:i used to ride motorbikes,i used to love doing that,now when i see it,im like good on you,its the pros and cons thing isnt it,they beat the traffic,ive got the comfort lol
Reply:i actually glad that you have chosen a bike over a car, it means one less crap passing lane hogger to pee me off. i pull aside for safety reasons and i dont want you hitting me but either way id never pull out on ya or abuse you just because you get to go a little faster in the queue. good on ya.
Reply:I don't block their way but sometimes I find them very annoying especially if I am turning and they pass me the wrong side which means they didn't check my signal!
Reply:To all the people who make remarks about having to open up doors while on the road and state this as a reason you dislike motorcycles should take this into consideration. In most state it is 100% legal for a motorcycle to filter through in the middle of the road, however, it is ILLEGAL for you to open your door unless you are on the shoulder of the road. So before you should understnad you are the one that would be breaking the law and if you open your door and a motorcyclist hits it...not only would you be responsible, but you should be responsible. Motorcyclists have rights to.
Reply:Actually it is dangerous for you to go between the cars. For all you know my child is sick in the stomach and needs to get out to relieve herself. You can strike her and injure the both of you. But if you time is more valuable than my daughter, then go right ahead and filter through.
Reply:These people dont realize that it is fully legal to go between lanes during traffic. Ignore the ignorant.
Reply:To feel anything, is to respect the fuel mileage. The loud unnecessary exhausts, especially on harley davidsons has no excuse.I have even been angered by some jerks at say, a stop sign or redlight, and the revs literally shake things in my car. My car with an exhaust system like that would get a ticket. I hope to get a foriegn quiet bike someday... a person could save petro and money, not to mention the thrill of it.
Reply:It doesnt annoy me at all. I just look out and when driving behind them, make sure I am not too close. Harley's are #1!!!
Reply:As an ex motorcyclist (gave up after being wiped out by a Volvo) and a cyclist I am very concious of giving my two wheel cousins plenty of space when I am driving my car. It's nice to get a wave of thanks from a biker as they pass when you have pulled over slightly to let them go. I'd rather do that than have them try some stupid overtake and get killed. Could you live with that thought if you didn't move over?

And as one of the two wheel brigade I see nothing wrong in filtering through the traffic as long as you do it carefully. There's no need to try and race through as you know for certain some idiot will come out of line and try to take you out.

Filtering through is one of the benefits of being on two wheels. If car drivers get frustrated at this they should try riding in the freezing cold or pouring rain. They'd soon understand why bikers filter through the traffic jam!

So lets all have a bit of courtesy for our fellow road users. A little politeness and consideration does make a difference. Who knows one day it might be you stuck trying to get into a line of traffic and needing a friendly "you go first mate" flash of the lights.
Reply:I don't mind motorcyclists and if one is coming up behind I always expect him to overtake so I try to give him room - quite a few are kind enough to acknowledge the courtesy. I do get a bit unnerved though when they are coming the other way and are passing a line of cars by riding over the white line - which often happens.
Reply:who wouldn't get annoyed? Why can't they just wait in traffic like everyone else? Plus, people say that a lot of people get in motorcycle accidents, but if u get in a motorcycle accident, ur either drunk, or ur just plain stupid.
Reply:I find them annoying sometimes, but I'm mainly extremely wary of them and like to keep my distance from them as much as possible.
Reply:I haven't found many cyclists that respect much of the road rules. While you are filtering between the cars, you don't realize that you might be in someone blind spot, they might open the door, decide to change lanes without putting on a flasher, I mean the possibilites are endless.

And then there is not even a need to mention how close to the cars you are. If you catch me on a bad day, trust me , I just migh open my car door on purpose and that person will learn their lesson.

So it's not because we are jalous (well, maybe just 1% jalous), but trust me, its 99% for all the risks you guys cause.
Reply:Motorcyclists don't actually bother me filtering through the traffic. The thing that really annoys me is when you drive past and nearly knock my wing mirror off.

I actually think some drivers are complete idiots though and I don't see the point of blocking off a motorcyclists path, they're just jealous as you can get home a hell of a lot quicker than them.

I always move out of the way as I would prefer you getting past easily rather than scrapping down my car.
Reply:I'm always considerate to motorcyclists even though I'm a car driver,they are far more vulnerable than someone sat in a tin box.

Also iv found generally that they most times will try to help if things go wrong and are REAL ppl,unlike some car drivers.
Reply:Nope, although I did get annoyed with one last week, and beeped at him, to be promptly given the finger.

What he was doing was riding towards me in my lane, on the wrong side of solid white lines, in order to beat traffic.

I flashed hom as he was oncoming, but he would not move over, and I had to swerve into the inside lane. I had my 2 year old, and my 1 week old daughters in the back also.

He looked about 55 years old, riding a Harley.

I was well peed off.

OIther than that, bikers have no qualms from me at all.
Reply:I hate motorcyclists on the road. I will go out of my way to make them 'uncomfortable'. All I need is some jackass cyclist to wipe out in front of my car and I hit them, not only would it wreck my car, I'd probably be charged with something!
Reply:i always pull across to let bikes past. i have done my fair share of motorcycling and know how much abuse you can get.

Now trikes! theres a bloody stupid irritating thing. you cant beat the traffic in them and get you wet and look like a tit - what is the point?
Reply:It really annoys me because...Im sat in the car in a line of traffic wishing I HAD taken the bike instead!!!
Reply:you would love it in spain!

m/cs do NOT comply with any rules-which is why they are the highest fatality rate here.
Reply:i ride a bike and drive a car, doesnt bother me people filtering just makes me wish i was on my bike!

as some on here have the urge to open car doors on bikes, thats fine by me so long as you dont mind me whacking you in the face with my helmet.....


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