Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why do people associate the Devil with the goat?

Why do people associate the devil with goats? And why do we interpret the Devil as having a goat behind and goat horns?

Why do people associate the Devil with the goat?
Well, everything we know about Satan is based on opinion....nobody can actually prove he exists, as a being.

There are only Biblical accounts and pseudo-scriptural descriptions.

To make a long story short, Satan has a herald, who goes ahead of him, before he makes an appearance....because of course he is a bigshot and doesn't waste his time bothering most people; he assigns his minions for that. This herald, whose name is something like Bathophet, (I forget...its been a couple of years since I have read anything on theis subject) looks like a goat. It is that goat devil, the herald of Satan, that people confuse with the actual Satan.

Of course, the Book of Revelations tells us that Satan comes to an end. He is thrown into the lake of fire by Apollyon the Destroyer, Angel of the Abyss.
Reply:because a goat is something that comes up usually behind you and gives you a big jolt, bunt, push.......and it hurts!
Reply:Possibly due to the Satyr, which was (like Pan, a pagan god) a man, with goats hindquarters.
Reply:Old scripture? I really don't know.

But Santa is really suppose to be a man actually.
Reply:The lambs/sheep used to be the symbol for innocence and christianity, so along the way, the goat became a symbol of virility and stubborness.
Reply:it comes from the idea of scapegoats, which the people of israel used in the times of the old testament as a sacrifice, as it took on all the sins of israel. also, many other religons depict demons in the form of goats.

Digital Age: you are thinking of Mephistophilies
Reply:The male goat is a very sexually active animal, and the Church used it to represent Satan as well as to give a negative sense to all pagan rytes related to the greek God Pan.
Reply:Because the devil is supposed to have cloven hooves like a goat or similar animal
Reply:because they do
Reply:Because the goat has a very bad temper?
Reply:It's their reputation for being very sexually active. That's why Satyr's are part goat, and the devil is also part goat. Centaurs are part horse, but horses are considered more noble than goats because or their use for transportation.
Reply:People were alot more superstitious back in the day they associated a goat to the devil because of the horns, kind of like witches with black cats,etc. You gotta figure at one time people thought the earth was flat, we've come along way, lol, Ive been around goats they didn't seem evil to me they usually have devil like horns though.


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