Friday, March 12, 2010

A Fiery dragon, with 7 heads, and ten horns, and seven diadems?

What's the identity of the great fiery coloured dragon mentioned at Revelation12:3,4?

A Fiery dragon, with 7 heads, and ten horns, and seven diadems?

From the Greek dra′kon, depicting a terrifying monster, a serpentlike devourer. It occurs 13 times in the Bible but only in the highly symbolic book of Revelation, and it represents Satan the Devil. He is the “great fiery-colored dragon, with seven heads and ten horns,” having a tail that draws “a third of the stars of heaven” after him, these first being induced to materialize as humans before the Flood and then becoming demons. (Re 12:3, 4; Jude 6) Together with these demons, Satan the Dragon is cast out of heaven down to the vicinity of the earth. “So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan.” (Re 12:7-9) In this debased state he persecutes the remnant of God’s “woman,” those having “the work of bearing witness.”—Re 12:13-17.

Dragonlike Satan is also the one that gives power and great authority to the symbolic wild beast having seven heads and ten horns, and in turn, he is worshiped by the peoples of “all the earth.” (Re 13:2-4) John in vision also sees that the croaking froglike “expressions inspired by demons,” which go out to “the kings of the entire inhabited earth,” come from the mouth of the Dragon, or Satan, as well as out of the mouths of “the wild beast” and “the false prophet.” The effect this has is to gather these rulers and their supporters “to the war of the great day of God the Almighty . . . to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Magedon [Armageddon].” (Re 16:13-16) Following this greatest of all wars, the “angel” that comes down from heaven will seize “the dragon, the original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan,” and will bind him and abyss him for a thousand years.—Re 20:1-3; see SATAN.
Reply:Revelation Speaks of Seven Gentile Empires;

Daniel was asked by King Nebuchadnezzar,what did I dream?Daniel saw the Image,He records that King Neb. You are one of Four Gentile Empires,with The two Legs of Iron represented

Rome,There was a split in Roman Empire;

The western Leg was in the City of Rome;The eastern Leg was in Constantinople;The Roman System has never disappeared;At times different Nations from this Group would be like a Roman candle,real power but would fizzle and burn out;The last Gentile Empire will be a Composite of all the Governments before them; It is made up of Ten Nations,then # 11 to join E. U. was-----

the One that the "Man of Peace" (Antichrist) would come from; I know there are 25 or more in E. U. ,But the Power is controlled by Core of 10; Revelation, God shows John Seven; Two of these had come and gone by the time of Daniel--The two was Assyria and Egypt;Revelation gives an over view of all;These Empires were Controlled by Satan and Governed with Raw Power;There is a Religious System that has held Positions of Power in the Empire of Rome; starting in about 380A.D.( E.U. will have to bring into their Government,A Religious" Leader "that has the Potential of getting all Religions to,lay aside their differences and accept all Religions;for Peace ; This System will work for 3 and 1/2 yrs;
Reply:Perhaps it's symbolic of Satan and the ugly world system he has brought up from humanity to serve His purpose.


Debbie2, Rachel, %26amp; Jeff.
Reply:As I recall, this is extravagant symbolic and allegorical language from the book of Revelation (Apocalypse). There is much uncertainty about this book.
Reply:Sounds scary !
Reply:That would be Satan the Devil.

The wild beast mention in chap 13 represents Satans political system.

The relationship would be that Satan is controling this wild beast and allowing and using them to torment Jehovah God's people.
Reply:The dragon is Satan and the wild beast is his earthly political, religious and commercial setup.
Reply:I think I saw something like that on a Magic: The Gathering card once. I think it was +10 armor, +3 damage, and +100 premature End Times hand-wringing.
Reply:It's symbolic of Corporate America.
Reply:Seven diadems???

That sounds dirty.
Reply:the symbols have been applied variously to assorted nations and entities. Its most probable that the accurate part of the vision, if applied to the most obvious real life known world...

I'd have to say the roman cathars church; the church created by the roman knights, the same agency which crucified Yeshua.

But thats a personal interpretation with which many would not agree...which is all anybody has.
Reply:European union

Reply:Well, Satan was supposed to be like that, though he was also supposed to have been an archangel named Lucifer, so I don't know...
Reply:Well, barring the literal creature, it could be metaphorically interpreted as any sort of organization that's powerful and has leadership split up among a small oligarchy, which could refer to a lot of different things at any time period.

Like any good psychic prediction, it's elaborate and fantastic sounding, yet sufficiently vague and 'interpretable' so that no one can say it was wrong.
Reply:why are you even asking this?
Reply:The dragon is:

it's Satan, our adversary, the serpent in the Garden of Eden. And "his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth." This tells us something about the spirit world: that a full one-third of the angels went along with Satan in his rebellion. The faithful two-thirds are still doing God's will, being faithful messengers and intervening (as God directs) in the affairs of humans. But the lawless one-third have time on their hands, evil in their hearts and varying amounts of supernatural power. Ever wonder about UFOs and crop circles and the spirit guides that are in fashion these days? The forces of spiritual deception are at work in this world, trying to steal your joy, kill your friends and family, and destroy what little remains of this country's moral foundation.

What about all those heads and horns and crowns on the dragon?

Good question. Fortunately, we have other Scriptures to guide us here. The heads are just what you'd expect -- the brains of the outfit. Each head represents a high-level demonic personage that empowers a worldly kingdom. Ever wonder why some guys, like Alexander the Great or Julius Ceasar or Napoleon or Hitler, seem to be able to mobilize power and rule entire continents? How can they do that while most of us have trouble just getting through staff meetings at work?

What's the difference?

It's not a matter of physical strength or IQ or good looks. Neither is it moral character (or lack of). There are powers behind the thrones. There is a hierarchy of demonic creatures with geographic assignments, serving their king, the dragon. Certain individuals become especially empowered by these monsters, and get their own chapters in history books

What about the ten horns and the crowns?

As we'll see in a later lesson, the horns represent visible, earthly kingdoms. At the time of the end, there will be ten kingdoms banding together in support of the last-days dictator. The number ten appears in virtually every account of last-days prophecy. The last-days dictator will "conquer" three of the ten kingdoms as part of his rise to power.

The crowns are a different matter. By careful reading of the text, you'll notice that the crowns are either on the heads or on the horns of the respective beasts. When the focus is on the realm of the devil and his henchmen, the crowns are on the heads. When the focus is on the visible kingdoms ruled by the last-days dictator, the crowns are on the horns.

The red dragon has crowns on the seven heads, so the emphasis is on the invisible world of spirits. In later chapters, when we see the beast that represents the last-days dictator, the crowns will be on the horns, emphasizing observable political, military and "religious" activities.

The most important thing you can do is to prepare your heart for the return of the Lord. If you do, you will be the recipient of some amazing promises.
Reply:My wife says Babylon, I think it's Puff the Magic. (small smile sneaks across his face)
Reply:With seven diadems? Sounds like the Queen of the Transvestites.
Reply:As is the case with most of the Myths in the Bible, this one can be traced back to the Mesopotamian creation epic, the Enuma Stephen Harris explains, in, "Understanding the Bible":

"Of particular interest is the seven headed Dragon - a composite of apocalyptic beasts - who persecutes a pregnant woman dressed in the sun, moon and stars. Identified as Satan, the "serpent of old", the red Dragon is a Judeo-Christian embodiment of the Ancient Mesopotamian myth concering Tamut, the monster of chaos, whose story is told in the Babylonian creation epic, the Enuma Elish. As Marduk, the Mesopotamian creator god, vanquishes Tiamut and brings order to the universe, so the Archangel Michael (the traditional spirit prince of Israel) defeats the Dragon, thus allowing a new cosmic order to appear. The victim of the Dragon's attack, a woman who gives birth to a male child destined to rule "all nations" apparantly represents heavenly Israel as well as Jewish and Gentile Christians on earth...i.e., the chruch which the Dragon attempts to destroy."
Reply:You are reading a part of the book that is pure mythology..Learn the truth about God by reading Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. You will then be able to Separate the truth from the mythology. God bless you
Reply:I guess we'll know when it gets here. Some think it must represent some alliance of governments.

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