Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Can my past life been related to the sound of horns also what events in history played the part of hornsounds?

I seriously get this like chill up my spine whenever I hear the sound of a horn. It's a good feeling, I like music with the sounds of horns in them. I was just wondering if there were any dramatical events in history that played the part of horn sounds? If it's what they say about being born again and how nothing ever really dies then my soul might be connected to a past life dealing with the sound of a horn for some reason. Anyway, I'm just trying to figure out what it could be? I'm serious I get a weird feeling inside but it's a good feeling almost like an obsession. There's got to be something behind it because consciously I don't even try to let it affect me but it just does for some reason. I'm just trying to find out why I'm obsessed and fascinated with the sound of horns in music. Wondering if it could be a past soul experience in a pre life existence.

Can my past life been related to the sound of horns also what events in history played the part of hornsounds?
Many musicians, including George Harrison who was spiritual, felt this way. You perhaps were a highly regarded musician in the service of God in a past life.
Reply:Your past life was with God.

Ecc 12:6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.

Ecc 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

Reply:You didnt have a past life.
Reply:I don't believe in past lives. You probably have had a pleasant experience with a horn, or maybe the synapses in your brain just fire a little differently when translating the sound of a horn that adds a pleasant sensation.
Reply:I think I sort-of get what you're saying. I have seen a few live jazz big-bands in my time. There is something about hearing all those horns blasting out that music - it gives me the chills and sends me into a whole nother world. I love it. It's nice to have experiences that affect you that much.
Reply:Yes it is possible.

May I suggest to you Edgar Cayce books like Many Mansions, and Edcar Cayce The Sleeping Prophet. I am assuming that u have a Christian Background and Rebirth/reincarnation are somewhat foreign to u.

There is also a web site about Edgar Caycee. (Just Type Edgar Cayce in search).

Edgar Caycee in his readings has said that past life experiences influence the present life greatly. Cayce was a devoted Christian.

I would think that maybe you played the horns in your past life..

Or perhaps a loved one played the horns.

You could maybe search up horns in history or something to find out more about it.
Reply:Hey, maybe you were the Emperor of Rome in a past life.


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