Question Details: If monkeys, considering that they are classified or believed to be animals/mammamilians,etc., evolved to be human, then couldn't a pig evolve into a second species other just wings? For a pig to evolve wings (a sign of another species) is pretty much a far skip past it's evolved form. This is just a usuall saying, but it's like a human developing horns, before it's has a head with eyes. Taking evolution into consideration, do you think other animals can evolve into a second species like monkeys did into humans? Thank you in advance.
What other animal can evolve into a second species?
monkeys did NOT evolve into humans. neither did apes or any other primate currently living on this planet.
It has been 5 minutes since I last posted this answer.
Reply:yeah. Us humans are going to evolve into something slightly different eventually, although it will be a VERY LONG time.
Reply:ya nice qn. Do you know about eohippus.If you belongs to Tamil nadu, refer to the 11 th standard book. Ther's a separate lesson about evolution. And it is the last lesson
Reply:I think there is a misunderstanding of evolution in your question. Evolution does not state that monkeys evolved into humans. That is a huge misconception. Evolution explains that monkeys (and other primates) have a common ancestor with humans. That ancestor was not a monkey or human, but a separate species on its own. Eventually, throughout time, for a variety of different reasons, that ancestor gave way to seperate species, one finally leading to monkeys, another to homo sapiens (us).
On a side note, there were several species of "humans" throughout time (neanderthals, homo habilis etc).
Remember, species are defined as organisms that are able to interbreed with one another.
In answering your question about human evolving into different types of humans (different traits such as horns), it would depend upon the trait being beneficial and/or able to be passed on. If it continues, sure, there can be an evolution to new subspecies and perhaps species... so long as they can no longer breed with homo sapiens.
Reply:Well your initial part of your question is false. Lots of people get stuck up on this. Monkeys did NOT evolve into humans.
I repeat,
Now that we are past that I will explain why they did not. First off, the theory of evolution says that things that survive well in an environment will do well and reproduce thus continueing their species. Species that do not do well, will die off, ending their species.
We know that there are mutations in species as well. Many are on a small genetic level and may do absolutely nothing. Other mutations may make organs grow on the outside of the body. These mutations probably kill the animal quickly. Some mutations will have physical effects that DEPEND ON THEIR ENVIRONMENT to see whether it is a positive or negative mutation.
For example, if a group of brown rabbits all eat one plant, they begin spreading rapidly and eating all the plants up. Then they move to where there are more plants. Eventually this group moves further and further north (theoretically). Now they are in an area that snows more often (not all the time) then they were used to. Lots of predators eat the brown bunnies in the snow and lots die, not reproducing. Imagine that one brown rabbit has a litter of white rabbits (mutation) that do not get eaten as often because of the snow.
Did it evolve into a new species? Not really, but the changes over time have to be small.... a large change would have to be an act of God (if you believe in that).
I hope this answers your question. I apologize if the answer is a little long for your liking. To sum it all up, it requires environment and small changes to eventually bring about a new species.
Oh and monkeys and humans may have a similar ancestor (meaning they may have originally all been that "brown rabbit" that I spoke of earlier) and through small changes became the seperate species they are today.
Phew that was an arm full!
Reply:Animals do not evolve into other species.
Reply:Try learning how evolution works first, then maybe your questions will be answered for you.
Incidentally, other animals do and have evolved. They claim that birds came from dinosaurs, snakes from four-legged reptiles, etc. And humans did not evolve from monkeys; humans and monkeys both evolved from a common ancestor. There is a difference.
Your mother and your aunt came from the same father. You came from your mother while your cousin came from his mother (your aunt). That does not imply that you came from your aunt because your cousin did, does it? You and your cousin have the same grandfather; you did not come from your cousin or your aunt, but are still related. Get it?
And evolution requires a need for change. If pigs don't need to fly, they won't.
Reply:For evolution to occur, there must be selection pressures.
For example (example only!)
Say mice have a better chance of escaping predators if they have short tails. Then the length of tail will be a selection pressure. The mice with genetically longer tails will be more likely to get killed than mice with genes that code for shorter tails. Therefore, the shorter tailed mice will flourish and the longer tailed population will decline, causing mouse tails to evolve to become shorter and shorter.
Humans will never evolve horns, because there is no selection pressure against hornless humans. However if one day everyone on earth decided that horns were THE thing to have, people with horn genes will have a higher chance of mating than people who don't. The people without horns will be selected against, and do not get to have babies. Then, humans will evolve horns. But evolution takes hundreds of thousands of years to occur, and such fads probably won't last more than a few years.
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