Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Can you read the paragraph and tell what the two imaginative comparisons about the truck are?

Even the taxi horns dwin-dle down to a precocious few

in the gray and pink moments

of dawn. Suddenly there is

another sound, a morning

sound that taunts the memory

for recognition. The growl of

a predatory monster? No, just

garbage trucks that have

begun a day of scavenging.Trash cans rattle outsiderestaurants. Metallic jaws on

sanitation trucks gulp and

masticate the residue of daily

living, then digest it with a sat-

isfied groan of gears.

Can you read the paragraph and tell what the two imaginative comparisons about the truck are?
1 Metallic jaws on

sanitation trucks gulp and

masticate the residue of daily


2 digest it with a satisfied groan of gears.
Reply:It sounds like a huge animal scavenging for food, then relishing it as it chews and swallows it.

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