Saturday, October 24, 2009

Can you blow your horn at a police officer?

I was sitting in traffic today, and there was a police officer in front of me at the light. The left arrow light turned green and he sat there for a long time. I wanted to blow the horn so bad, but didn't know if that would be okay. What do you think?

Can you blow your horn at a police officer?
If it was a turn only lane and the green arrow was on, a friendly tap of the horn may have been okay, if he had been sitting there awhile. But if it was one of those lanes where you can turn or go straight, and he didn't move cause he was going straight, then thats a different story. And yes you can be cited for honking your horn within the city limits if you don't have a good reason to honk..I forget what it is called but it is a citeable offense.
Reply:Its okay to tap your horn at a police officer, as long as your not ignorant and lay on the horn or do anything obnoxious, i see nothing wrong with it. The officer was at fault and should have been paying more attention. Report It

Reply:Absolutely...police officers are people too. The very same rules of the road that apply to us apply to them as well. It isn't like you are trying to write him a ticket or something, besides, if the "toot" on the horn upsets him then he isn't fit to serve/deal with the public!
Reply:What r u stupid? Unless you want to get pulled over. Cops need NO reason to stop you, dispite what people think!
Reply:A green traffic arrow is a traffic control device telling someone to turn, not saying that they could but that they must. If you believe that a short toot of the horn is needed to bring a driver's attention to that, then it is a reasonable action. The worst thing that could happen is that you will receive a citation for improper use of horn and, in that case, take the ticket to court and explain to the judge what you did.
Reply:if you think they really weren't paying attention is should be fine, if they say something, tell them that you felt they didn't notice the light and did it as a helpfil gesture, any other time you only honk at then in an emergeny to get their attention
Reply:I think you should seek help for the road rage babe.
Reply:it depends
Reply:yes, he/she was obstrocting traffic.
Reply:Yes, you can he can't give you a ticket for that. and he was holding up traffic
Reply:I would, but be careful, a lot of police like to abuse their position.
Reply:Can you? Yes.

Should you? NO!

In my area of Virginia you can get a ticket for that. And police officers are only human - we know that. They might use their power to their advantage.
Reply:I would of just sat there afraid that he would give me a ticket for something if i blew my horn.
Reply:He can give you a ticket unless you are simply warning him that the two of you are about to collide. You could have probably beeped your horn with a little tab, but you never really know if he was sitting there for a reason, like waiting till a suspect on the other side of the intersection went across so he could tail them unnoticed. It's always good to refrain from blowing your horn at a cop unless it's to avoid a collision.
Reply:Surely, you can! Another question is: *may* you according to your local law?..
Reply:Sure, but they might not like it...Get one that's got a "Tude" and he/she might find a reason to give you a ticket..
Reply:Your horn is intended for use in's not really supposed to be a tool for hurrying up other drivers.
Reply:You can do anything you want if you are willing to suffer the consequences.
Reply:haven't tried it but if I did, it would be for EMERGENCY situations only. If he's holding up traffic then maybe you can use that against him, but I doubt the judge will by that considering a POLICE OFFICER is an enforcer of the law.
Reply:I'd probably not blow my horn. He may have been watching something or was getting information on a call.
Reply:Yes. There should be no harm in that.
Reply:Of course you can but then you might get cited for noise pollution. Seriously! We have just such a law in our state. IOWA. Better not to risk it.
Reply:i don't think you can do that
Reply:I wouldn't he might be there for a reason and remember they have the authority to do what is needed. You might get arrested.
Reply:yes it is ok as long as it was not an emergancy situation
Reply:your horn should be used to prevent accidents and potentially dangerous situations, or to warn others of a problem


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