Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hello. I am a new Christian. What is the best I can do, how do I take on God by the horns? I never was any rel


Hello. I am a new Christian. What is the best I can do, how do I take on God by the horns? I never was any rel
new christian...what guilt are you trying to relieve yourself of? what questions are you trying to answer easily?
Reply:Welcome to the family of God!!! The best that you can do is to NEVER let go of God, no matter what comes your way. Through good times and bad times always know that God is there even when you may not feel that He is. Hebrews 13:5 for He hath said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. 2 Samuel 22:2-3 " The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, my deliverer; The God of my rock; in Him will I trust: He is my shield, and the HORN of my salvation, my high tower, and my refruge, my savior. Hang on to this Horn with all your might! Remember that none of us are perfect, you will not always do the right things and will mess up from time to time and feel like a failure, but don't get discouraged when you do. Remember, God is the potter and we are the clay.He is continually molding us and making us into the vessel that He desires us to be. And one day when we get to Heaven then we'll be that perfect vessel. Until then, find you a church that believes in Jesus Christ and what He did at Calvary, Read your Bible even if you can't understand what you are reading, and pray every day. God's Blessings!!!
Reply:God has horns? i thought that was Satan's thing. God is such a poser.
Reply:John MacArthur. 'Nuff said.
Reply:pray to God in Jesus' name. Ask God to give you more faith, love, and trust in him. The Holy Spirit will guide and teach you. Read the Bible and learn and meditate on the scritptures, such as the Psalms and the New Testament for starters. God bless!
Reply:Find a good church, talk to the pastor. He'll be able to guide you.
Reply:LOL...I think most Christians would say that if you take God by the horns, you've probably got the wrong guy.
Reply:Read your Bible daily, read the Gospel of John, its really good for new Christians, have an active prayer life, always ask for forgiveness everyday for your sins, and when you pray believe. These are some good tips that will definitely get you rolling. Remember Romans 10:17, Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Reading the Bible and going to Church will increase your faith and help you to stay dedicated to Christ. If you have any questions send me an email, I will be glad to help in your new journey. God Bless!!!
Reply:Abide in the Word, for one thing. That is, get familiar with what God has already said in the Bible. There are study guides at

Secondly is to establish some relationships with other Christians who are likeminded - intent on living the Christian life in accordance with the Bible.

And of course being a Christian you have the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:9) which will guide you (John 16:13; 14:26)
Reply:pray, read your bible, and most importantly, learn how to win souls and do it often!
Reply:You must realize that God is in charge on your journey, not you. You can do many things to predispose yourself to His acting on you, but you will have to wait for Him to reveal Himself to you. Meanwhile, keep praying (includes spiritual reading), be sorry for your sins, and do good works.
Reply:A new Christian with the same old baggage.
Reply:" Take On God By The Horns?"....How do you answer that one..I'm Speechless.~


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