Sunday, October 11, 2009

Is there a law which requires the average American to pay federal Income Tax?

Is there a law requiring the average American working within the united States to fill out a 10-40 tax form for the Federal Government (against the 10th amendment), which incriminates themselves and is slavery (Nobody pays us to sit down and fill the form out! against the 5th amendment). If not, why do we have the 2nd amendment (right to bear arms) to overthrow the government as it's gone bad within the last 150 years? We did it to king George. You know some animals that eat grass have horns?

Is there a law which requires the average American to pay federal Income Tax?
1. Yes, there is a law requiring the average American and also residents of the U.S. to pay a federal income tax. It is codified in Title 26 of the U.S. Code. You can read it at or at

2. The 10th amendment says, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Since Congress was granted the power to lay and collect taxes in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution, the 10th amendment does not have an effect on that power.

3. The fifth amendment also does not protect you. The right against self-incrimination is a protection in CRIMINAL matters. The income tax laws and the requirement to pay and the requirement to fill out a return is a CIVIL matter and the fifth amendment does not apply.

4. The revolution was fought partly because of taxation WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Since you and every other American is represented by Congressional Representatives and Senators, you don't have the same argument.
Reply:Ha Ha just laughing here, sorry. Years ago several of my co-workers decided to protest and not pay income tax. They were members of this organization, I forget the name, but the claimed there was no law that says you have to pay tax.

well they got in trouble, the IRS garnished their wages (took money from their checks) One guy

owed several thousand dollars and so they put a lien on his propriety and told him he had 3 years to pay what he owed and if he didn't he would go

to Jail !!

You can't get out of paying taxes, the IRS can garnish wages, take money from your bank accounts and sieze and sell any properity that you have for payment of back taxes..
Reply:Well....don't pay your taxes then. I'm sure some folks over at treasury will show up at your door and have a little chat with you.

You can "interpret" the laws any way you like....but nobody really cares what you think, only what the courts think. And they say fork it over.
Reply:The Constitution grants the government the right to levy taxes to carry on its duties.

The rest of your question is basically B.S.


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